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Cristina Grasso, MA, WDP

Dyslexia Intervention Team

Cristina Grasso, MA, WDP

15 years of experience

Dyslexia Intervention

Hobby: Spending time with my husband, kids and family, traveli

Inspirational Quote

"Live life to the fullest"

About Cristina

Hello! I am Anita. I am a former special education teacher and district coach with 23 years of public school experience. I currently work as an accessibility specialist with an assessment company. I live with my husband Vic and poodle, Paisley, in Sarasota, Florida. My son is a senior at Wake Forest University and is 22 years old. We have a boat and most weekends you can find us fishing or riding around enjoying the sunshine.


Special Education

Tennessee Department of Education

Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner

Wilson Language Training

Contact Us & Let's Get Started

Tell us a little about yourself and we will get back to you with more details about how we can serve your needs!

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