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Cindy Myers, MA, WDP

Dyslexia Intervention Team

Cindy Myers, MA, WDP

31 years of experience

Dyslexia Intervention

Hobby: Reading

Inspirational Quote

"Every child is gifted. They just unwrap their packages at different times." - Unknown

About Cindy

Hello! My name is Cindy Myers, and I am so excited to be a part of the LD Expert Team! I have a B.S. in Special Education/Elementary Education from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. I have a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from Concordia University of Portland, Oregon, where I also became a reading specialist. I am also a Certified Dyslexia Practitioner through the Wilson Reading program since 2006. I had been teaching special education for 30 years in the same school district. Although I recently retired, I wanted to continue to teach children the joy of reading, because reading is my passion. Helping students learn how to read is very rewarding to me!


Reading Specialist

New Jersey Department of Education

Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner

Wilson Language Training

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