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Randi Sevegny, MA, WDP

Dyslexia Intervention Team

Randi Sevegny, MA, WDP

17 years of experience

Dyslexia Intervention

Hobby: Running & Skiing

Inspirational Quote

"Today is 'Someday'" - Unknown

About Randi

Hi, I’m Randi and I currently live in Albuquerque,New Mexico. I received a Master’s Degree in Special Education from The University of New Mexico, as well as an Administrator License. I also have a business degree from Ohio State University. I was in the classroom for 14 years teaching special education, grades K-5. I then decided to jump into middle school as an assistant principal! With 17 years in education, I have decided to retire: travel and spend time with my husband, 3 daughters, and granddaughter! I am a lifelong learner and look forward to being part of the LD Experts team, growing and learning with your student!


Special Education, K-12 School Administration

New Mexico Department of Education

Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner

Wilson Language Training

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