Dyslexia Intervention & Academic Tutoring Team
15 years of experience
Dyslexia Intervention & Academic Tutoring
Hobby: Ballroon Dancing
Inspirational Quote
Hi! I am Tova. I am very excited to be joining this wonderful group of educators. I have taught in schools in Bolivia, New Jersey, New Hampshire and Maine. I hold a Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering and a Master’s in Education. Beyond the classroom, I have experience as an outdoor educator and dance instructor. I have worked as an educational consultant for a number of years as well. I am now completing my WRS 1 certificate in Wilson to add to my toolkit as an educator.
All of these varied teaching experiences have helped me to develop my unique, well rounded, and hands-on approach as an educator. I strive to help students develop a solid foundation and deep understanding of math and reading that they can take with them for life. When I work with students my aim is to help them discover and utilize their strengths as learners.
As a mom of triplets, I have seen the importance of raising children to be independent learners. Students should walk away from their education being confident in their ability to acquire new skills. When students catch the fire of learning, they can illuminate the world.
Tell us a little about yourself and we will get back to you with more details about how we can serve your needs!